The Lakeshore Middle school auditorium has not been updated in many years. All of the stage rigging is dead-hung due to challenging overhead conditions and lack of stage height. The district wanted to have some moving sets over the stage but the overall rigging was “creatively” installed and not up to safety standards.

AVL Designs Inc.’s first task was to design new stage rigging which would be up to current standards and with as many moving pipes as possible. AVL utilized ETC FlyPipes to accomplish this task. A self-climbing package hoist allowed us to provide a safe, moving solution.

The control of lighting and studio was in the balcony, which is not a great location for running a show, so a new control booth was included on the main floor to allow the audio and lighting crew to experience the show from the audience’s perspective.

New AV systems included main speakers with over and under balcony delays to fill shadowed areas. A new digital console, wireless microphones, projector and screen, and controls were also included.
◦ Speakers by Danley
◦ Wireless by Shure
◦ Console by Soundcraft
◦ Projector by Panasonic
◦ Control by Crestron
Lighting was also in need of updates, as the existing Varilight dimming and control were failing. The decision was made to upgrade to all LED lighting. A new lighting console and control system by ETC was specified as well as LED fixtures from ETC and Phillips Showline.

*The completed project went on line in 2021 following some delays due to Covid.
Copyright AVLDesignsInc 2021+
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